tiistai 14. toukokuuta 2013

3D tulostus

Upstart 3-D printer companies have captured the attention of makers, but a 30 year old company called3D Systems is having a record year on Wall Street. The company just announced an 81 percent increase in sales of their 3-D printers, catapulting their market capitalization over $4 billion. Their Cube 3-D printer is the first of its kind for sale at a big box store like Staples. And while MakerBot might have snagged the sweet brand name “Replicator” from Star Trek, 3D Systems got the exclusive license to print personalized 3-D figurines of Starship Enterprise crew members coinciding with the new movie’s premiere.
This success is especially impressive since it seemed like science fiction on March 9, 1983, when Antoinette Hull got a late night phone call from her husband, Chuck, who was busy tinkering with a “3-D printer” prototype at his lab. After hundreds of failed experiments that looked like plastic spaghetti, he had finally gotten his machine to work. Dressed in her pajamas, she got in the car and drove to the lab where she saw the first 3-D print — a little plastic cup she carries in her purse thirty years later.

3D tulostus saa huomiota 3D tulostetun aseen avulla. Teknologia kehittyy nopeasti ja etenkin kuluttajapuolella voi pian tulla jopa alle 1000 euron tulostimia.



Valmistusteknologia menee väistämättä eteenpäin. USA:ssa 3D tulostettavilla aseilla protestoidaan aseiden valvonnan lisäämistä vastaan.

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